Monday, June 7, 2010

Putting that one to bed.

Sun, Stand Thou Still wrapped up on Saturday night. I think I can safely say that the final weekend was my strongest of the run. Which, is good on some levels, in that, as usual, all of my friends that came did so at the last possible moment, so at least they saw me at my best.

It really amuses me how the final weekend of a run always, and I mean ALWAYS, becomes a mad dash for everyone who's "meant" to come to the show, actually makes it. I always get the calls and e-mails...Can I get comps? Do you need reservations?

Now, why was it the strongest of the run? Pretty simply, I finally relaxed. This show was a tough one for me. Just because it demanded a lot, and I had to figure out how to deliver and connect the emotional dots. I can't say I always did it successfully, and, frankly, this show has become the champion "screw-up" show for me. I've never had as many brain-farts and general "off the rails" moments as I had during this run. It took me all four weeks to take what we had rehearsed and really make it my own.

Which, frankly, doesn't speak well for me.

Maybe I'm too hard on myself, but I really do feel like I could've done better. Of course, I ALWAYS feel like I could do better. God help me when I finish a show and think, "well, I was just perfect, there."

Long story short, Ka-Tet is a good group of people and, I'm happy to have worked with them and director David Fehr. Hopefully, there will be a second time.

Had an audition on Saturday for Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, reading for Brick. Long story short, schedules made the entire thing a waste of time. I'm not the kind of person who can drop out of something just because I think there's a "better deal" being offered.

It does kind of kill me, however.

I don't know how many times I heard in undergrad, "oh, you are such a Tennessee Williams actor, you look like a Williams character, you're gonna end up doing tons of Williams plays." Which was great with me, along with Mamet and Miller, Williams is one of the playwrights I really FEEL. I don't know if that makes any sense, but I can hear the rhythms which I read the plays. I can hear the dialogue in my head.

...And, of course, I've never, not once, played a Williams character.

(Well, aside from running on and off as Stanley Kowalski in Woody Allen's God: A Play.)

Anyway, this is the second time in as many years that I've had a chance at a favorite Williams' show, and had it go south. (Last year was Stanley in A Streetcar Named Desire, which, honestly, hurt even more.)

Frankly, audition opportunities recently have been S-L-I-M. I went through 3 weeks of notices today, and found only one that I'd be interested in. Unfortunately, it's a show I've already agreed to do. So, that's a no-lose situation, but I'd still like to find something for October-November, since I'm not doing the Fall show for Stage Left, Kingsville. I'm hoping (fingers crossed) that I'll be doing the Stage Left Spring Show...

Speaking of which, Stage Left (as you may have guessed, since I'm talking about it) has officially announced their 2010-2011 season. Go, check it out, and, if you're in Chicago, Leapfest is right around the corner. Come see me in The Meaning of Lunch by Dan Aibel, as well as all the great workshop shows.

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